Spanish Civil War and the Seafarers and Dockers


Achillus Bequin

The Dutch Wollweber Process Documents

| SPANISHSKY.DK 23 JULY 2017 | Dutch members of the Wollweber Group were brought to the infamous Plötzensee Prison in Berlin. Most of them where also executed in Plötzensee. Here you can read some of the Dutch Wollweber Process documents.

Joop Schaap

| SPANISHSKY.DK 23 JULY 2017 | Joop Schaap was one of the leaders of the Dutch Wollweber Group. He was murdered on 7 September 1943 by the Nazis. Two of his friends, Wim Zwart and Evert Hoedemaker, share some of their… Continue Reading →

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