Spanish Civil War and the Seafarers and Dockers


Egon Gissel

Michail Jakusjin and Marius Christensen – Bound Together by History

| SPANISHSKY.DK 18 MARCH 2020 | Michail Jakusjin and Marius Christensen were part of the same event. It laid the foundation for their friendship and became the axis around which their friendship revolved. In 1937, Marius Christiansen was a Danish… Continue Reading →

The Spanish Monument – from Idea to Reality

|SPANISHSKY.DK 29 MARCH 2019 | The monument to the Danish volunteers who fell in the Spanish civil war, located in Churchill Park on the Esplanade in Copenhagen, has a chequered past. Chequered, in the sense that the will to raise… Continue Reading →

Spaniensmonumentet – fra idé til virkelighed

| SPANISHSKY.DK 28. MARTS 2019 | Monumentet over de danske spaniensfrivillige, som faldt i den spanske borgerkrig, og som i dag står i Churchillparken på Esplanaden, har en lang og broget forhistorie. Broget ment på den måde, at det ikke… Continue Reading →

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