| SPANISHSKY.DK 5. OKTOBER 2021 | Nancy Phillips læste for en del år siden en biografi af en tysk brigadista og faldt over et udtryk, hun aldrig havde hørt før: Zweiten Versuch – den “Anden Indsats”. Ved hjælp af den… Continue Reading →
| SPANISHSKY.DK 30 APRIL 2021 | Better to die on your feet than live on your knees All fights give birth to heroes — brave men and women who risk their lives for the common good. Persons from whom we… Continue Reading →
| SPANISHSKY.DK 4 APRIL 2021 | The Dutch Anti-fascism and Anti-communism Like many Dutch communists, the four Kloostra brothers and three of their brothers-in-laws became victims of an anti-communist operation that started in January 1923 and was continued after the… Continue Reading →
| SPANISHSKY.DK 31 MARCH 2021 | The Dutch Anti-fascism and Anti-communism Like many Dutch communists, four Kloostra brothers and three of their brothers-in-laws became victims of an anti-communist operation that started in January 1923 and was continued after the Dutch… Continue Reading →
| SPANISHSKY.DK 30 MARCH 2021 | The Dutch Anti-fascism and Anti-communism Like many Dutch communists, four Kloostra brothers and three of their brothers-in-law became victims of an anti-communist operation that started in January 1923 and was continued after the Dutch… Continue Reading →
| SPANISHSKY.DK 28 MARCH 2021 | Dutch Anti-fascism and Anti-communism Like many Dutch communists, four Kloostra brothers and three of their brothers-in-laws became victims of an anti-communist operation that started in January 1923 and was continued after the Dutch capitulation… Continue Reading →
| SPANISHSKY.DK 13. DECEMBER 2020 | Af Allan Christiansen 13. Danmark atter frit Tilføjelse til originalplanche – 14. december 2020 Af Maria Busch Om aftenen den 4. maj 1945 meddelte speakeren på den dansksprogede nyhedsudsendelse på… Continue Reading →
| SPANISHSKY.DK 13. DEZEMBER 2020 | Von Allan Christiansen 13. Dänemark ist wieder frei Zusatz zum Ausstellungsplakat – 14. Dezember 2020 Vom Maria Busch Am Abend des 4. Mai 1945 gab der Sprecher in der dänischsprachigen Nachrichtensendung auf… Continue Reading →
| SPANISHSKY.DK 6 OKTOBER 2020 | This brief account of the Spanish flag returning from Spain to the Communist Party of Denmark, is the story of the penultimate stage of its journey. The account of the first stage is entitled… Continue Reading →
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